Logo Jardineria Calonge Sant Antoni

Garden services

Unleash the potential of your garden!

Professional gardening
for every need

At Jardineria Calonge-Sant Antoni we also offer specific gardening services for those people who need occasional professional support.

We clear and clean plots, gardens and lands.

We know about all and each type of pruning; every plant is unique and has different needs throughout its life.

We trim and prune at any height with total security and full guarantee from a team of qualified professionals.

Mantenimiento de jardines y parcelas

Landscape Solutions

Unique spaces that reflect the
nature and at the same time creating a functional garden.



Personalized maintenance plans adapted to the needs of the garden.


We carry out all types of cleaning, either with maintenance or punctual.

garden-design-jardin Calonge

Large Plants

Felling and pruning at height safely and with all the guarantees of a qualified team.



Conservation plans to the client’s needs for a healthy garden all year round.



Systems that detect the water needs of the garden, supplying the necessary water.

3D paisajimso - jardineriacalonge

Garden Dessing

Personalized designs for the creation of the garden adapted to the needs of the client.

3D paisajimso - jardineriacalonge

3D Landscaping

The 3D plans and all the construction phases of your garden carefully designed.

Mantenimiento de jardines y parcelas

We Create Unique Spaces

Unique garden designs adapted to your needs and the project.

An environment that is unique and reflects nature
as well as providing a functional garden.

Smart systems for a smart gardening

Jardineria Calonge Sant Antoni

Tel. 722.22.11.02




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