Logo Jardineria Calonge Sant Antoni


Centenary tradicion
and modern gardening

Uncle “Xaretas” was a wise man. He had devoted his entire life to farming and caring for the land, the orchards and gardens, at a time when tourism in Costa Brava was in its beginning stages; there were practically no cars, and time passed slowly.


His nephew Marc visited him every afternoon after school. Uncle “Xaretas” would share his knowledge with him: he would tell him about which pant wanted shade and which one required more sunshine, what needs do trees have in summer or in winter, the flowering season or fruit-picking…


When Marc turned 12, his uncle suggested that he worked with him. And so it was that a great passion for nature, tress and plants began.

Driven by their love for nature, in 2016, Marc, Claudia and Xavier funded Jardineria Calonge-Sant Antoni, a small, family and garden business.

Today, Jardineria Calonge-Sant Antoni has grown, but continues to be inspired by the same spirit; bridging the gap between the traditional wisdom of the peasantry and the current gardening techniques.

Our team

At Jardineria Calonge-Sant Antoni we are a team of professional gardener driven by the mission of creating and maintaining gardens where appearance and nature go hand in hand.

We work primarily in the area of Costa Brava and Empordà, but we have created gardens all over Catalonia, from the Pyrenees to the coast.

Confidence and creativity for your projects!

Traditional wisdom and current gardening.

Smart systems for a smart gardening

Jardineria Calonge Sant Antoni

Tel. 722.22.11.02




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