Logo Jardineria Calonge Sant Antoni
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Unveil the full potential of your garden

paisajismo y diseño 3d de jardines en costa brava

Spaces and finishing touches for creating a harmonious and function garden

The combination of gravel and other elements in green spaces give us a functional garden with less maintenance and less need for water. We take care of every detail in your garden to achieve a perfect combination between nature, functionality and beauty.

Nature rules: the sun, the orientation, the climate…

Every garden is unique

It is necessary to know how to interpret all signs which earth gives us to create a situable garden for each space.

There are many varieties of lawns, and as experts, we offer advice on which types are best suited to thrive in your garden. With the proper advice and the right choice, you will enjoy lovely green grass for many years.

We work hand in hand with nature, never against it, because we believe that’s the only way to achieve marvellous gardens that will be full of beauty and inspiration.

From the idea to a reality

In the hands of an expert, a garden unleashes its full potential.

How do we design and garden in harmonic unity so that it can be enjoyed all year round?

-We take into consideration the needs of our clients, keeping always in mind the functional aspects.

-We study the area, its orientation and peculiarities.

-We organize spaces and choose the best plants and decoration.

We oversee and care about all stages of our projects, from the 3-D design to the technical plans, from the setting up of facilities to the correct direction, construction and management.

Dream it, we bring it to reality

Jardineria Calonge Sant Antoni

Tel. 722.22.11.02




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