Logo Jardineria Calonge Sant Antoni
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Specialists in
Irrigation systems


Fresh and clean water is essential for life on earth, but it represents only the 3% of the total of our water.

That is why it is of our outmost importance to limit its consumption and create gardens that are efficient in irrigation and water-saving.

riego jardineria calonge

Smart irrigation

Smart irrigation goes a step further. They are completely autonomous systems connected to weather stations that detect the water needs of our garden at all the times, and supply only the necessary water.

Automatic Home Irrigation

Automatic irrigation systems allow you to manage and control various aspects such as water consumption; detect leaks and stop them; change program settings at any time and from anywhere; manage other components such as lights, pool or switches, and detects rain as well as humidity levels.

Smart systems for a smart gardening

Jardineria Calonge Sant Antoni

Tel. 722.22.11.02




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